返回 【经济学人】上海自贸区,下一站会是深圳吗?





"Do not be fooled by the early caution," says Chen Bo of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, who has advised the government on the SFTZ. "We remain very ambitious." Mr Chen believes internal and external factors are forcing a change in China's economic model.



At home, soaring wages and an ageing workforce are pushing China towards the "middle-income trap". Abroad, rivals are rushing into regional free-trade deals, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that will pry economies open. "China is feeling pressure to up its competitive game," says Kenneth Jarrett, head of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

国内方面,工资的不断攀升,劳动力的不断老龄化,正将中国推向“中等收入陷阱”。国外方面,竞争对手正涌向地区性自由贸易业务,比如泛太平洋伙伴关系协定,这些交易能够获得新的商机。美国商会上海分部的领导人Kenneth Jarrett说,“中国正面临着升级竞争模式的压力。”

@【在国内,不断攀升的工资和老龄化的劳动力都将中国推向“中低收入的陷井“中去。而在国外,竞争对手正在推进地区内的自由贸易协定,比如“泛太平洋伙伴关系“这会撬开经济开放。“中国在竞争游戏中倍感压力“中美商会(上海)领导kennth jarrett说。】

To keep up, argue many analysts, China must liberalise. As manufacturing is already competitive, that means opening up the inefficient, cosseted services sector, especially finance. This is where the SFTZ comes in. Services have risen from just half of Shanghai's GDP in 2003 to 62% this year, in Hong Kong, they make up 90%.



By letting experienced local officials experiment with deeper reforms in services inside a tightly sealed zone, cautious types hope risks, for example, arising from yuan convertibility, can be contained. Louis Kuijs of RBS, an investment bank, argues that, when it comes to controlling hot money, the pilot works "only if there is a very tight border between the zone and the rest of China". On this view, only those reforms that work well in the zone will be rolled out, carefully and slowly, elsewhere.


@【通过让经验丰富的地方官员在紧密封闭的区域内试点更深层次的改革以期风险(例如,人民币自由兑换带来的风险)能够被遏制。投行RBS的Louis Kuijs说,在控制热钱方面,只有当上海自贸区和中国其他地区有非常严格的一个界限时“这个试点才会成功。在这个观点中,只有那些改革成功的自贸易区域才会被小心缓慢地应用在其他地区。】

Nonsense, say those hoping for leakage. They argue that the whole point of the zone is to spark broader liberalisation that has been stalled for a decade.


