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Hope you had a good weekend. We are glad to have you watching CNN STUDENT NEWS on this Monday, January 13. First up today, Israel is holding a memorial service for a former prime minister. Here are three things to know about Ariel Sharon. One, he was a successful army general who later led the country from 2001 to 2006. Much of his focus during that time was on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. His actions included ordering air strikes on Palestinian security forces and later holding peace talks with Palestinian leaders. Two, Sharon had the reputation of being a fearless leader who could get things done. To many Israelis he was a popular hero, to some in the Arab world he was a killer. We'll have more on that in a moment. Three, Sharon's leadership was cut short. He had a major stroke in 2006 that effectively ended his service as prime minister. He stayed in a coma until his death on Saturday, at age 85.

