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Those comments came as the scandal involving veterans swirled back in the U.S. Dozens of Veterans Affairs hospitals have been accused of delaying treatment for veterans, and the Obama administration has been criticized for not doing enough about it. A U.S. official says the scandal wasn't a factor in planning this trip. A day later the president was in Virginia for a wreath laying at Arlington National Cemetery. It's a Memorial Day tradition in the U.S. The commander-in-chief paying respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. That's a resting place of an unidentified American serviceman who was killed in World War I. Memorial Day ceremonies and events across the country honored U.S. troops who died serving in all of the nation's conflicts. There's a ship sailing out of New York today, at the end of Fleet Week that carries Memorials of its own. I'm Miguel Marquez aboard the USS Cole, and I'm here with Hannah Taylor who's going to take us on a little tour. Let's go! It is a sophisticated machine able to project American power around the world. It's also one of the most famous or infamous ships in the U.S. fleet. October 12, 2000, the Cole was attacked as it ported in Yemen. This suicide mission using a small boat in hundreds of pounds of explosives. 17 sailors died, 39 injured. As you see here on the floor, there are 17 gold stars, one for each member who perished that day. On board, reminders of that day everywhere. So, everywhere you go around the ship. Yes. These things exist. Yes, they do.

当老兵丑闻席卷美国后,这些评论又开始了。很多老兵医院都被指责延误对老兵的治疗。奥巴马政府也被指责做得不够。一位美国官员说,丑闻不是影响旅行计划的因素之一。当天晚些,总统在佐治亚州为艾灵顿国家墓地置放花圈。这是美国纪念日的传统。总指挥在五名士兵墓前显示尊敬。墓地埋藏了很多一战中丧生的五名美国士兵。纪念日仪式和活动在全国范围内都会纪念美国军队,他们在国家的冲突中丧生。在纽约,今天有一艘舰艇开始远航,在航行州的末尾,携带了自己的纪念日。我是Miguel Marquez,在美国cole舰上,我身边这位是Taylor,她将带我们看看这里,出发吧。这是一个精密的仪器,可以向全世界展示美国力量。这也是最出名和最臭名昭著的美国舰队。在2000年的10月12日,Cole号在登陆也门时被攻击。自杀式的袭击是通过一艘小船携带上百磅的炸药实现的,有17名船员丧生,39人受伤。如你所见,在这里的地板上,有17个金星,每个金星代表一个当天丧生的船员。在船上,到处都是纪念那天的纪念物。所以,无论你走到哪里,都能看到。是的,到处都是。
