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A futuristic danger in Hollywood films like "The Terminator" now a big enough threat to warrant a United Nations debate. Robotic Technology has already advanced to levels that wouldn't look out of place in a sci-fi blockbuster. These robots developed by the Pentagon can climb stairs, detect and avoid obstacles. And even correct themselves if you push them around. Robots are getting close to being able to do the physical task that we can do and more. It's only a matter of time before they appear on the battlefield. Machine technology is already being used to kill. We've seen that in drone strikes against the Taliban and other terrorist groups, but behind the drone technology, there is still a human being calling the shots. Giving robots the power to make those life or death decisions themselves is what the U.N. is discussing. A computer's ability to analyze and think is improving all the time, Google has been experimenting with neural networks, a kind of artificial brain, capable of teaching itself independently from human programmers. And that raises a scary question: will the artificial intelligences that power our robots, one day decide to push back. Atika Shubert, CNN, London.

在好莱坞电影里才能出现的就像终结者一样的未来危机,现在就变成了一个巨大的威胁,引起了联合国的讨论。机器人科技已经发展到很高的水平,不仅仅是科技小说里的重磅炸弹。五角大楼开发的机器人可以爬楼梯,检测并避免障碍物,甚至在被推动的情况下自我校正。机器人已经可以完成人类也能完成的任务。能不能应用到战场,只是时间问题。机器人科技已经可以用于杀人。我们已经在塔利班的战争中和其他恐怖组织中见过无人机的应用,但是在无人机背后,仍然有人类在操纵机器。给机器人下达指令,决定敌人的生死,本身就是联合国讨论的问题。计算机的分析和思考能力正在逐步提高,谷歌已经开发了神经网络,它是一种人工智能,可以自我学习,不需要人类程序员。这就引发了一个很恐怖的问题:驱动机器的人工智能是否会在未来某天退回去呢?CNN伦敦,Atika Shubert.
