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First up, Scotland, home to more than 5 million people, about the size of South Carolina. Scots have contributed world-changing inventions related to bicycle tires, penicillin, television. Yesterday, they decided on a potentially nation altering question: should Scotland be an independent country? The polls were closed when we produced this show, the vote was over. But it was expected to be very close, and we don't have results for you yet. For the latest, teachers please visit cnn.com. We do have an excellent fact-filled look at how Scotland came to be the division of the United Kingdom that it has been for the past 307 years. What we know as modern Scotland was formed in the 13th century when England and Scotland signed the treaty of York, mapping out Scotland's southern border. 60 years later, the countries were at war, with the legendary Scottish rebel William Wallace helping to lead the charge. Wallace's fight for freedom was a subject of Hollywood blockbuster, Brave Heart. Years of war paid off for Scotland. In 1328, England recognized Scottish independence in the treaty of North Hampton. In 1603, Queen Elizabeth, the last of the Tudors, died at the age of 69. And that cleared the way for King James VI of Scotland, son of Mary, Queen of Scots, to become England's king, too. It was known as the union of the crowns. Just over 100 years later, parliaments of England and Scotland passed the Acts of Union. It joined the two separate states into one: The Kingdom of Great Britain, one parliament, one monarch.

首先,报道下苏格兰。苏格兰有超过五百万居民,面积大约是南卡的面积。苏格兰人对世界的贡献包括自行车轮胎、盘尼西林、电视。昨天,他们对一项能改变国家命运的议题达成了共识:苏格兰是否应该成为一个独立的国家呢?选举在昨天结束了,随后我们录制了这个节目,投票已经结束。但是据估计,结果很快就快出来了,我们还没有获得最新的结果。为了获得最新消息,请老师们访问cnn.com。我们有一个很优秀的有事实的看法,看看苏格兰如何成为英国的一员,而且持续了307年。当代的苏格兰形成于13世纪,当时英格兰和苏格兰签署了约克学医,划清了苏格兰的南边边界。60年以后,苏格兰进入战争,传奇角色的叛乱者William Wallace 引领了时代。Wallace为自由而战,是好莱坞大片的主角,片名叫做勇敢的心。多年的战争终于获得了回报。在1328年,英格兰意识到苏格兰的独立,签署了北汉普顿条约。在1603年,伊丽莎白女王,是最后的都德王朝的女王,去世,享年69岁。这为詹姆斯六世清除了障碍,他是苏格兰女王玛丽的儿子,后来成为了英格兰的皇帝。这被称为联合加冕。仅仅在100年以后,英格兰和苏格兰的一会通过了联合法案,将两个国家合并为一个国家。大不列颠王国诞生,只有一个议会,一个君主。
