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BBC news from Stalt Makinto. The Canadian police suggest that they believe this man killed a Canadian soldier and attacked the capital counsel building this Wednesday. Bob Bowel, captain of the chivalry police says to the correspondents that the investigation is on the way to make sure whether there are other aids in the course of the 32-year old muslim Michial Kikave Bob's attack. He indicates that there is no other information to suggest the connection between Wotawa's gun attack and the killing of another soldier earlier this week.


BBC News with Stewart Macintosh. Police in Canada said they believe that the man accused of shooting dead a Canadian soldier and attacking the country's parliament on Wednesday acted alone. Police commissioner Bob Paulson told reporters that investigations were continuing to see if 32-year-old Michael Zehaf Bibeau, a Muslim convert, had support in preparing the attacks. He said there was no information to link the Ottawa attack with the killing of another soldier in Quebec earlier in the week.


枪杀: kill--> shoot dead sb

骑警总长: police commissioner

支援: aid--> support


议会: parliament

只身一人:act alone

信徒:convert (Muslim convert穆斯林信徒)


魁北克: Quebec


在应急响应的初始阶段曾有担忧认为可能有超过一人参与其中,但我们的渥太华警务以及加拿大皇家骑警队表示昨天济哈夫•碧波是单独行动的,并且正是他发动了对国家战争纪念碑和国会山的袭击。调查仍在进行,并将很快确定济哈夫•碧波在计划袭击时是否接受了任何支援。本周我们尚无关联在St-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu 市和渥太华发生的这两起案件的信息。


In the early phase of the reponse of the emergency, some concern that there may be more than one person involved, but the Wotawa police and the Canadian royal chivalry police says that yesterday Kihav Bib perpetrated alone, and he initiated the attack toward the country's war memorium and the counsel. The investigation still goes on, and will soon confirm whether Bob has received any assistance when planning the attack. This week, we have no information to link the two cases in St and Wotwake together.


There were concerns at the initial stage of the emergency response that there may have been more than one individual involved, our partners of the Ottawa Police Service and the RCMP agreed that yesterday Zehaf Bibeau acted alone, and that he is the same person that perpetrated the attacks at both the National War Memorial and on Parliament Hill. The investigation is ongoing and will rapidly determine if Zehaf Bibeau received any support in the planning of his attack. We have no information linking the two attacks this week, in St-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu and in Ottawa.


一人: one person--> one individual

警务: police--> police service

仍在进行:goes on--> be ongoing

很快: soon--> rapidly


单独行动: act alone

纪念碑: memorial(adj. 纪念的;追悼的;记忆的 n. 纪念物;纪念碑;纪念馆;纪念活动)


国会:counsel--> parliament (counseln. 商议,审议;劝告,忠告;计划,决策;律师 v. 商议;劝告,忠告;提议)

