返回 【美语三级跳】购物B-2





Salesperson: Well do you want something inexpensive, or is money no object?

Kevin: _________________________.

Salesperson: Hmm ... so how about $100 dollars? Maybe $200?

Kevin: $200? ____________________.

Salesperson: Is $100 out of your price range?

Kevin: ________________________________.

啊? 他的"budget" - 预算,只有20块!我看这些钱只够给人买双袜子的! Kevin真是“浪漫”得让人想揍他一顿!

Professor: Why, Winnie? Women don't think socks are a romantic present? Hmm ... So, that's why my wife was so mad at her birthday last year! But Winnie, can you guess what "money is no object" means?

我想,"money is no object"就是说 “钱不是问题,多少钱都无所谓”的意思。

Professor: That's right. For example, I usually only buy cheap things. _________________________________.

Salesperson: Umm ... __________________________. This is a nice clothing store.

Kevin: Oh ... well, _______________________________?

Salesperson: There is a store down the street called Bargain Basement. You could probably find some really cheap clothes there.

Kevin: Wow, _______________________. I'll go try to find her a present there. Thanks!

Professor Bowman,"go overboard"意思是“过份”么?

Professor: Exactly.
