返回 宗教和谐的重要性





“Interfaith cooperation among different religious communities around the globe IS A POWERFUL counterbalance to hate, violence and injustice”, said U.S. Ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom David Saperstein.

THIS IS(It's) especially true in countries afflicted (deeply) by sectarian violence. In Kenyan, when (the)ISLAMIST gunmen suspected to be AL-SHABAAB(Islamists) attacked a bus IN(on) December 2015, and demanded THAT(the) Christians AND MUSLIMS (to) be separated (from the Muslims), the bus driver said THAT the Muslims ON BOARD refused to be separated from thier Muslims TRAVELERS(fellows). They told the MILITANTS(gunmen) to kill them all or leave them ALL alone——which incredibly the gunmen in the main did. Yet one man, Salah Farah, (got hurt)WAS INJURED while shielding (the) Christians FROM THE ATTACK and later died. His brother Rashid told (the) media that he hoped Salah's example (can)WOULD encourage Kenyans to live as one comunity and promote religious harmony.

IN ISRAEL there are many examples of peace-building (by)THROUGH interfaith education (in Isarel.)THAT (Many) schools like Tabeetha in Jaffa OR(and)THE six Hand in Hand schoolS in many cities ALL ACROSS (in) Isarel provide (interfaith education) to (the) Jewish, Muslim, Druze and Christian students.
