返回 网络围剿ISIS恐怖主义(1/2)





Countering the use of internet for [terrorism] TERRORIST PURPOSES is vital IN THE EFFORT to defeat ISIS.

[Terrorists]THE TERROR group has communicators around the world who spend their days at keyboardS interacting with would-be terrorists, feeding recruits [with] information on how to develop local networkS [and] OR carry out attacks in their OWN countries.

Dr. Haroon Ullah, A MEMBER OF the Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff, wrote in a recent blogpost THAT"No longer is ISIS wooing people PRIMARILY to Syria and Iraq, but increasingly to the ‘Digital Caliphate’. As ISIS loseS many ground on THE physical battlefield, it's ensuring it can maintain its influence [on]IN THE battlefield of ideas".

ISIS's spokespeople [is]ARE using the dark [internet]WEB and encrypted applicationS to communicate with [sympathetic] individual SYMPATHETIC users. THE Dark internet is AN often[-] preferred platform [of]FOR terrorist groupS[,] because the technology makes it hard to navigate, allows fully encryption, and nearly makes some accounts impossible to access.
