返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二十一集(3)Stefan&Damon&Klaus&Bonnie



Hint: unfortunately; inspire; fend


Stefan:       1      

Klaus: Come outside and make me.

Stefan: Elena's not here. Alaric has her and Caroline. He's going to kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him.

Klaus:      2      

Stefan:       3         

Damon: I'll take those odds.

Stefan: And 100% chance that Tylerdies.

Damon: I'm good with that, too.

Stefan:      4       , hmm?

Klaus: Ok. How about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric while Stefan grabs Elena and carries her to safety.

Damon: Oh, that's a great idea. What's to stop me from being killed instantly?

Klaus: Nothing.

Damon: Caroline's in there. Don't you have a thing for her, or did she just reject you too many times?

Stefan: This isn't really, uh, helping too much.

Bonnie:      5        My mom used a desiccation spell on Mikael that immobilized him for over 15 years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on Alaric.

Klaus: If and might.      6      

Bonnie: I'll get it. But even with the spell, we'll need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down, including yours.

Klaus:      7(2句话)      



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