返回 【万物简史】PART II CH 4事物的测定(3)





For all his achievements, however, Halley's greatest contribution to human knowledge may simply have been to take part in a modest scientific wager with two other worthies of his day: Robert Hooke, who is perhaps best remembered now as the first person to describe a cell, and the great and stately Sir Christopher Wren, who was [-1-]an astronomer first and architect second, [---2---]. In 1683, Halley, Hooke, and Wren were [-3-]in London when the conversation turned to the motions of celestial objects. It was known that planets [-4-] orbit in a particular kind of oval known as an ellipse—"a very specific and precise curve," to quote Richard Feynman—[---5---]. Wren generously offered a prize worth 40 shillings ([-6-] a couple of weeks' pay) to whichever of the men could provide a solution.

Hooke, who was well known for taking [-7-] for ideas that weren't necessarily his own, claimed that he had solved the problem already but declined now to share it on the interesting and [-8-] grounds that it would rob others of the satisfaction of discovering the answer for themselves. He would instead "conceal it for some time, that others might know how to value it." [---9---] Halley, however, became consumed with finding the answer, to the point that the following year he traveled to Cambridge and [-10-]called upon the university's Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, Isaac Newton, in the hope that he could help.


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