返回 【肖申克的救赎】安迪入狱始末03




1. It is the tale, not he who tells it. 2. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

Andy Dufresne

__1__.There were bullet-holes through them and powder-burns on them. The detective theorized (over the agonized objections of Andy's lawyer) that the murderer had wrapped the towels around the muzzle of the murder-weapon to muffle the sound of the gunshots.

__2__. He said he had begun to hear distressing rumours about his wife and Glenn Quentin as early as the last week in July. __3__. On an evening when Linda was supposed to have gone shopping in Portland after her tennis lesson, Andy had followed her and Quentin to Quentin's one-storey rented house (inevitably dubbed 'the love-nest' by the papers). __4__.

"Do you mean to tell this court that your wife did not recognize your brand-new Plymouth sedan behind Quentin's car?" the DA asked him on cross-examination.

"I swapped cars for the evening with a friend," Andy said, and this cool admission of how well-planned his investigation had been did him no good at all in the eyes of the jury.

After returning the friend's car and picking up his own, he had gone home. Linda had been in bed, reading a book. He asked her how her trip to Portland had been. She replied that it had been fun, but she hadn't seen anything she liked well enough to buy. That's when I knew for sure,' Andy told the breathless spectators. __5__.


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