返回 【欲望都市】S01E05-8 着魔了的史奇普



-Just a minute. Who is it?
-I'm sorry, I should go.
-Noooo, Skipper, Skipper, come on in. What is it?
-It's Miranda, [---1---]. It's like I'm obsessed. And I know that I shouldn't be, because I sense it's totally turning her off. But I can't control it, I can't. It's like she's got this power over me and I'm helpless.
-Keep going, I just, I have to get dressed, all right?
-Is it possible to be addicted to a person? I mean, [---2---], that it's like, it's all I can think about. You know, I've never considered myself... You know, a horn-dog before, but I'm worried I might be starting to scare her off.
-Well, [---3---]?
-No, but, mostly we just have sex in the afternoon. [---4---]
-Well, I have an idea. Why don't the two of you just spend a night together,you know. And not have sex?
-That would be hard. That will be really hard.
-Well, [].
-I don't even shower afterwards. I like to spend the whole day, smelling like Miranda.
-I began to fear that Miranda's sexuality was overpowering poor Skipper.


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