返回 【欲望都市】S01E05-10 高级妓女?国际女伴?



-''Thanks for the beautiful day.'' Must've been a helluva beautiful day!
-Well, it was. [---1---], then he leaves me money. I don't understand. What exactly about me screams whore?
-Besides the $1000 on the end table?
-I just can't believe you had dinner at Balzac. I thought I ordered two eggs Benedict and one spinach omelet.
-Sorry, I'll take the omelet.
-You know, we have assist is right. We are going to pay for this ourselves, all right?
-He said order anything.
-[---2---], but the money...
-What are you getting so uptight about? I mean, money is power, sex is power, therefore, [---3---].
-Don't listen to the dime store Camille Paglia.
-I don't know whether to take it as an incredible compliment or an incredible insult?
-Just take it, period.
-Well,I wouldn't return it anyway because one thing he didn't leave me was his phone number.
-[---4---], what more is there to talk about? Who is this Amalita Amalfi anyway? I'm concerned you've been drafted into a ring of high-class hookers.
-She isn't a hooker. She's like an international party girl.
-[---5---] Did you have any conversations about money?
-No, I mean, I did allude to the fact I was a bit cash poor these days.
-So maybe it's supposed to be a loan?
-I don't remember filling out an application.


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