返回 【欲望都市】S01E08-3 梦境的困扰



Hints: 无

-So what do you think your dream meant?
-I'm in a sandbox with Charlotte, Sam, and Carrie and another more play with me. Please, it's obvious.
-Across town, Miranda was [--1--].
-Look, I know it's juvenile, but it bothers me. I'm attractive, I'm smart...Right? Many people should want me for a threesome.
-So, you're saying [--2--]?
-No! But if your friends won't go down on you, who will?
-Well, that's some dream.
-It was so real. [--3--]. And I think I enjoyed it.
-That's great. Dreams are really  good way for experiment. It's like... It's like buying a dress and keeping the tags on.
-Do you think it means I should do it? Have a threesome? Jack says that I have a fire inside me.
-You tell him [--4--].
-I'm serious!
-Oh. no. It's your call. But don't do it just to make Jack happy.
-But maybe it would bring us closer.
-Sweetie, don't you think it's weird that you're thinking of sleeping with someone you don't know to get close to Jack?
-That was something about Charlotte. Just when you rebound her right off as a Park Avenue Pollyanna, she'd say something so right on, you'd think she was the Dalai Lama.



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