返回 【欲望都市】S01E09-6 偶遇乌龟



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Turtle: God,you look great.

What Samantha needed now             1                  .

Turtle: I can't believe the synchronicity. I was just thinking about you! So, do you like this shirt? My ex-girlfriend picked it out for me.

Samantha: Honey, no offense, but your breath—

Turtle: I know. It's these Chinese herbs I'm taking. You know, for longer life.

Samantha: With breath like that,        2          .

Turtle: I killed the last woman who talked to me like that.

Samantha was impressed.            3                 .

Samantha:        4           , I’m gonna shopping for a new wardrobe. He's a cute little fixer-upper.

Carrie: Sweetheart, he's a man, not a brownstone.

Samantha: When I'm through with him, he'll be Gracie Mansion.

Samantha and the Turtle? But then again, I'm dating a man who will never get married and Miranda is having a meaningful relationship with something that comes in a box from Japan. In a city of great expectations,               5             ? I needed some answers. Later that week, I met Brooke. Just back from her honeymoon, she was all business: the business of marriage.


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