返回 【欲望都市】S01E10-01 要不要参加兰妮的新生儿送礼会?



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Come on, you guys, it'll be fun. We've never visited her in Connecticut.

Exactly.         1        .

Lyme disease?

That's another good one.

It's a baby shower.

No, it's a cult.

It's a cult        2        

Listen to me, they all think the same, dress the same and sacrifice themselves to the same cause : babies.

She's insane.

Hey, I've lost two sisters to ''The Motherhood''.

I know what I'm talking about.

I think we should go.       3        .

Give me one good reason. - Okay.

You're driving down the road. You see a sign, it says two-headed snake.

You pull over. Wild Laney is having a baby shower, you pull over.

She's got a point. lt's the right thing to do.        4       .

As I penciled in the date,        5       .

In between the Versace show and dinner at Moomba, there it wasn't - my period - four days late!

That Saturday, also known as seven days late, four city girls set off to visit the country mice. 


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