返回 【欲望都市】S01E10-06 Laney偷了Charlotte给未来女儿取的名字





- I just have to tell your home is beautiful. - Thank you. -

     1      .

But at some point you have to get serious and settle down.

I mean, life is not a Jacqueline Suzanne novel, four friends looking for life and love in the big city.

Stop it. You're not gonna clean up at your own shower.

Yeah, relax. Once little Todd or Shayla comes around, you'll never stop cleaning up.

 Shayla, did you say Shayla? -

-      2      , isn't it? - It's so my name.

- I thought your name was Charlotte. - No, it's not my name.

It’s my name, my secret baby name that I made up when I was 11 years old for my daughter when I had her. I told you.

- Don't tell me you don't remember. –No, I’m sorry. I really don't.

     3      . She remembered. We all remembered.

Charlotte had made us all swear never to use it.

Anyway, I think my husband heard it somewhere else.

Really, where?     4      .

- I can’t believe you're freaking out over a name! –I mean you're not even a pregnant.

      5      !

- What's going on? - She stole my baby name. - You bitch!

Let's go! 


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