返回 【欲望都市】S01E10-10 Samantha办的聚会~




Hello. It's Laney.

Oh, hi.

I just want to tell you it’s so great to see you guys the other day.

I know I was a big bitch but you gotta know my hormones are going wild.

The truth is Laney's hormones have been going wild since she was ten.

Seeing you made me remember how much fun we used to have.

Yeah, we did. It's amazing how much time has gone by.

     1      . But I miss us. I really do.

     2      .

But I mean we should get together.

Not just say we're going to, but really do it.

- Absolutely. Listen, I've got to go. I'm running late. -      3      ?

- I’m…actually Samantha's having one of parties. - She is?

- Yeah. - Oh, man.

That's the kind of thing! I love Samantha's parties.

- Why didn't you tell me? - Next time, I promise, so all right?

OK, bye.

     4     , Samantha did something only Samantha could do.

She threw an ''I don't have a baby'' shower to let everyone know she was fabulous.

     5     . Oh, I don't have a baby. Everybody drink!

- Are you having fun? – Yes, I am. But not quite as much fun as Miranda.

Still convinced that marriage plus baby equals death, Miranda chose life.

Also known as Ed, Samantha's accountant. 


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