返回 【在美国】9 生命源地


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖The maternity ward〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: And here is one of the most ____1____ places in the hospital——the maternity ward.
B: What happens here? Is this where people get ____2____?
B: Yes, some people. The maternity ward is where ____3____ mothers come to give birth to their babies. Doctors here witness the miracle of life every day. And afterwards the mothers stay here to ____4____ until they are ready to return home.
A: Wow! Look at all the babies! I've never seen so many in one place!
B: Yes, this is where the ____5____ are cared for until they are ready to make the trip home with their mothers for the first time. Many proud parents and family members have looked through this window at their newest family members.
A: Does everyone give birth in hospitals in this country?
B: No, not everyone. Some mothers prefer to give birth at home and hire ____6____ or ____7____ to come assist with the birth. Others go to special maternity centers that offer similar services to a hospital but in a more comfortable, homelike setting.
A: I never knew there were so many choices to consider when having a baby!
B: One of the biggest choices is what to name the child. Sometimes it's difficult for the parents to decide on a name, but eventually they need to make a decision so the baby's ____8____ ____9____ can be printed. It's an important form of ____10____. Well, we should be getting back upstairs to finish up your physical!
A: Thanks so much for the tour, Doctor! I learned a lot!

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