返回 【在美国】21 忙里偷闲“谈天色变”


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖Talking about the weather〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
Lo and Kevin talk about the weather while they work at the garden construction site.
A: It's so nice out today! This is perfect weather for working outside. It's not too hot out, and there's a nice breeze.
B: Yeah, I like sunny days. But I am really glad I wore a hat today because otherwise I might have gotten a bad ____1____.
A: What's your favorite kind of weather?
B: I like cooler days that have a warm breeze. That way you're never too hot or too cold and the ____2____ stays just right. I like it when it's partly cloudy because it's still sunny most of the time, but there are big white ____3____ clouds to look at up in the sky. What about you?
A: You might think I'm crazy but my favorite kind of weather is right before a storm. At first everything is all calm and clear but them the breeze picks up, dark clouds ____4____ in, and ____5____ starts to ____6____ in the distance. Soon you see ____7____ of lightning and there's still a really nice breeze. I don't like it when it starts raining——when the storm is on its way but hasn't arrived yet. It's a great change from a ____8____ hot summer day!
B: Yeah, storms can be really interesting to watch! Just don't get too close!
A: Ow! I just got stung by a bee!
B: Are you alright?
A: Yeah. I'm not ____9____ to bee ____10____ or anything, it just hurt!
B: I'll watch out for more bees and tell you if I see any!

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