返回 【在美国】38 请朋友出去吃饭


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖Inviting a friend out to eat〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Hello?
B: Hey, Mina! It's Lo!
A: Hi Lo! How's it going?
B: Pretty good! So, Kevin and I are going out to dinner tonight and we want to know if you'd like to join us?
A: Sure! I was just thinking how I really want some good food tonight. Where are you guys going?
B: Well, we haven't really decided yet. We were hoping you might be able to help us decide on a good restaurant.
A: Well I can try! There are a lot of choices!
B: We are both pretty hungry I think so someplace with bigger portions would be good.
A: And of course with our pretty low ____1____ we don't want somewhere that is too expensive, right?
B: Right. But I'm willing to pay a little bit as long as the food is good.
A: What kind of food are you guys in the mood for? Do you want international food, ____2____, maybe a ____3____ or a ____4____?
B: International food might be fun.
A: Okay, there's Greek, Italian, Mexican, Cuban, Indian, Brazilian, Chinese, Japanese...
B: Which one has the biggest portions? Kevin said he's really hungry!
A: Then I suggest we go to Little Italy. There are a ton of good restaurants there that are ____5____ priced and give you very large portions.  
B: Great! We'll meet you at Froge St. in an hour!
A: See you there! Bye!
最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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