返回 【在美国】41 主菜上场, 大饱口福


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖The entrees〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: ____1____(句子) I can't wait to taste mine!
B: Haddock, and the pork chops, and here is your steak sir. Does anyone need anything else? A drink refill, fresh ground pepper?
C: Do you have any AL steak sauce?
B: Right away sir.
A: Oh! These pork chops are great! Try a piece, Lo!
C: Those are really good! Try some of my steak! ____2____(句子)
B: How's the haddock, Kevin?
D: It's pretty good. ____3____(句子)
B: Here is your sauce.
C: Thank you! Could we also get some more bread please?
A little later
A: ____4____(句子) I can't eat any more!
C: Me neither! I know I said I wanted dessert, but the portions here are too big!
D: I'm full!
A: ____5____(句子)
C: Excuse me! Could you bring us the check please?
B: Just a moment, sir!
A: This restaurant is great! I just hope it's not too pricy!
B: Here's the bill, sir. I'll take that for you when you're ready.
C: Alright. ____6____(句子) The total is $180.00 so that's $60.00 each.
D: Sounds good. Here's my card.
A: Here's my credit card!
C: I don't have that much cash either... Excuse me! Can you split our bill evenly between the three of us? So could you put 60 dollars on each card please?
B: No problem.
最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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