返回 【熟女镇】S01E05-1 Jules去接Travis回家





I know you like moving those hips, Sheila, so put that torque in your swing, okay? See you next week.

Since you're sleeping with her, does she pay you more?
Oh, ____1_____. She probably bought you lunch or something, right?
Got me a large root beer, baby.
Well, there you go. Where's Travis?
He's in the clubhouse with the boys...Shepp, Donnie, bitch-slap Harris.

T-man, your ride's here.
Hey, mom, look. Look what Donnie drew. ________2_____. He mostly dress snakes doing horrible things to naked chicks. Although, this... This looks consensual.
She doesn't look happy, Travis. Good to see you, Donnie, Sheep, Clar.
Jules, you know you can call me bitch-slap.

Travis, I just wanna talk to your dad for a second.
Oh, man.
Uh oh, she's got ___4____
What fake smile? This isn't a fake smile. I'm just happy.
All right, Cobb, here's the deal.
I know, you think the fellas are a bad influence on Travis. But ________________5_______________. Normally, they're drunk by now.
Bobby, what are you doing wasting your time in there? You were a pro golfer... sort of. Your lessons are ________6_______. Free root beers are rolling in. If you just work hard, you could go from from being the guy that ____________7____________- to the head pro at the country club.
This is my kingdom, j-bird. I mean, look at is plaque over here.
Oh, god, not the plaque. Can we just once not talk about the plaque?
They put this up when I shot the course record.
Robert Bobby cobb. People see this, Jules. And they respect it.
Hey Champs.
Excuse me. What can I do you for, bud?
Good boy, Champ. Good boy, Champ. Such a good champ.

上期回顾:【熟女镇】SS01E04-4 Graydson谈起前妻


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