返回 【十年纪】2009 飞屋环游记




Russell: Good afternoon My name is Russell.
And I am Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54,Sweat Lodge 12.
Are you in need of any assistance today sir?
Frederiksen: No.
Russell: I could help you————1————.
Frederiksen: No.
Russell: I could help you————2————.
Frederiksen: No.
Russell: I could help you————3————.
Frederiksen: No.
Russell:Well, I gotta help you cross something.
Frederiksen: No. ————4————
Frederiksen: Proceed.

Russell: Good afternoon.
Frederiksen: But ————5————!
Russell:See these. These are my Wilderness Explorer badges.
————6————.It's my Assisting the Elderly badge. If I get it, I will become a Senior Wilderness Explorer. The wilderness must be explored.
————7————!There's a big ceremony and all the dads come and they pin on our badges.
Frederiksen: So, ————8————?
Russell:Yes! Then I'be a Senior Wilderness Explorer.
Frederiksen: You ever heard of a snipe?
Russell: snipe?
Frederiksen: Bird Beady eyes. Every night it sneaks in my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas.
I'm elderly and infirm I can't catch it ————9————.
Russell:Me me! I'd do it!
Frederiksen: I don't know. It's awfully crafty You'd have to clap your hands three times to lure it in.
Russell:I'll find him Mr Frederiksen!
Frederiksen: I think its burrow is two blocks down If you go past.
Russell: Two blocks down Got it Snipe.
Frederiksen: ————10————.



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