返回 【经典电影】哈利·波特与凤凰社




---The charges against the accused are as follows:
''That he did knowingly and [---1---], produce a Patronus Charm [---2---] of a Muggle.''
Do you deny producing said Patronus?

---No, but…

---And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school, while under the age of 17?

---Yes, l was, but…

---Witches and wizards of the Wizengamot…

---I was only doing it because of the Dementors.

---Dementors? In Little Whinging?

---That's quite clever. Muggles can't see Dementors, can they, boy?
Highly convenient.

---I'm not lying. There were two of them, and if l hadn't…

---Enough. I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm sure would have been a very [---3---] story, but since you can produce no witnesses of the event…

---Pardon me, minister, but as it happens, we can.

---Please describe the attack.
What did they look like?

---Well, one of them was very large and the other rather skinny.

---Not the boys. The Dementors.

---Oh, right, right. Well, big. Cloaked. Then everything went cold, as though all the happiness had gone from the world.

---Now, look here. Dementors don't just wander into a Muggle suburb, and happen across a wizard. The odds are [---4---].

---I don't think anyone would believe the Dementors were there by coincidence, minister.

---I'm sure l must have misunderstood you, professor. Dementors are, after all, under the control of the Ministry of Magic.
And it's so silly of me, but it sounded for a moment as though you were suggesting that the Ministry had ordered the attack on this boy.

---That would be disturbing indeed, Madam Undersecretary, which is why I'm sure the Ministry will be mounting [---5---] into why the two Dementors were so very far from Azkaban and why they mounted an attack [---6---].
Of course, there is someone who might be behind the attack.

Cornelius, I implore you to see reason. The evidence that the Dark Lord has returned is [---7---].

---He is not back.

---In the matter of Harry Potter, the law clearly states that magic may be used before Muggles in [---8---] situations.

---Laws can be changed if necessary, Dumbledore.

---Clearly. Has it become practice to hold a full [---9---] to deal with a simple matter of underage magic?

---Those in favor of conviction?
Those in favor of [---10---]?

---Cleared of all charges.



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