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Lori Hunter is a sociologist and population scientist at the University of Colorado. She said one in five adults is HIV-positive in the rural areas of South Africa where she studies. She’s researching the environmental impact of a family losing an adult member to AIDS.

Lori Hunter: We were wondering if they’re more likely to [-----1-----] local resources.

In households where a bread-winner [-----2-----] , Hunter found the family often has to rely more on the land, and less on goods from the market.

Lori Hunter: One woman said to me when I was speaking with her, ‘locusts are now our beef’ — which is a very clear substitution.

South African villagers already eat spinach, herbs, and insects collected locally. They also make and sell items like [-----3-----] , from materials found in nature. So, Hunter is worried that when a bread-winner dies of AIDS, increased reliance on the surrounding, environment is unsustainable.

Lori Hunter:[-----4-----]

Greater dependence on natural resources could also [-----5-----] food insecurity throughout South Africa — another reason, Hunter suggested, to think broadly about the impact of AIDS.

I am Deborah Byrd from E&S, a clear voice for science.
We are at E&S. org


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