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Some clouds help cool the Earth, but other clouds help keep Earth warm – in part depending on how high up they are in our atmosphere. That's according to Steven Platnick, a satellite researcher with NASA. [---1---] He said that in general, low fluffy clouds keep us cooler.

You can [---2---] that if you go out on a hot and sunny day, and a cloud passes by overhead, it's a great relief from the heat. And the reason of course is because the cloud is reflecting sunlight.

But it's a different story for clouds that are high up in the atmosphere, said Platnick. Those high, [---3---] clouds actually keep Earth warm, like a blanket, by preventing heat from escaping into space.

Dr. Platnick uses NASA's Aqua satellite to determine the height of clouds, and other properties of clouds as well – like what's inside a cloud, and how much water they have, and whether the cloud is [---4---] liquid or ice.

The most important thing to trying to understand their effect on global climate is we need to know how they're globally [---5---] and how they vary over the course of a year. And you really need satellites to really obtain the statistics over those scales. It's really impossible for most of those quantities to get the same statistics from ground-based or aircraft observations.


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