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SCOTT: Did the media just take the White House line as gospel, that all of these people were gonna lose their jobs and, you know, economic doom was going to result?
KIRSTEN POWERS: Well, I think they took the gospel up to a point, and then it started, as we got closer to it, I think,__________________1__________________ , that the president claiming about janitors not getting paid and then it turned out it wasn't true. And so, I think - but I agree with what Howie was saying, __________________2__________________, if it is-- if they don't do something about it and that hasn't really been talked about. I mean the CBO has projected 750,000 lost jobs in a fragile economy. Instead, the White House is making up to the stories about janitors and canceling White House tours.

SCOTT: We are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend, Rich, and yet, they can't find a way to keep the White House open for tours?
RICH LOWRY, NATIONAL REVIEW EDITOR: Yeah. __________________3__________________. But I think there's a hierarchy of blame worthiness. And how credulous this coverage was. 


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