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RICH LOWRY: The local media and local TV was at its very worst. If you are at the White House, you just send out a press release mentioning a local town or a state (ph)...
LOWRY: Yeah, it's going to be on the ten o'clock news, this regurgitated verbatim pretty much.__________________1__________________. Some of it was bad, but you had some really good fact checking, particularly out of the "Washington Post," which blew the whistle on Arne Duncan's __________________2__________________. So it all wasn't terrible.
SCOTT: Is that any coincidence, Jim, that the White House is now out on sort of a charm offensive with Republicans in the Senate and in Congress?
PINKERTON: __________________3__________________. Yes, I agree with Rich that Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post have been handing out Pinocchios to the White House like candy.  And even Howard Schneider, in a headline in a post story entitled, "White House Seeks New Money for IMF." OK? In the middle of all this stuff about we can't afford the White House tours, the White House is asking for $65 billion for the International Monetary Fund, and as Schneider said, talk about awkward timing. Those were the first words, lines of the story.


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