• 旷世杰作的秘密
  • 在美丽的画布与雕像的背后,往往隐藏这许多鲜为人知的故事。本影片不仅介绍了每件作品的创作历程,而且还详述了它们对世人的影响。这些杰作影响后世之深,就算...
  • √ 已订阅  |  取消
  • 分 类: 实用 / 美国
  • 难 度: 中高级
  • 状 态: 已经完结
  • 均用时: 14分01秒
  • 均得分: 80.23%


[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术11

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-12-07 | 英语 | 21人听写 | 3次评论 | 中高级 77% | 时长:01:14 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术10

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-12-07 | 英语 | 17人听写 | 3次评论 | 中高级 84% | 时长:01:10 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术9

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-12-02 | 英语 | 16人听写 | 2次评论 | 中高级 87% | 时长:01:02 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术8

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-11-30 | 英语 | 14人听写 | 7次评论 | 中高级 84% | 时长:01:27 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术7

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-11-29 | 英语 | 15人听写 | 3次评论 | 中高级 83% | 时长:01:07 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术6

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-11-27 | 英语 | 14人听写 | 6次评论 | 中高级 83% | 时长:01:11 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术5

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-11-25 | 英语 | 15人听写 | 1次评论 | 中高级 86% | 时长:01:02 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术4

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-11-24 | 英语 | 18人听写 | 7次评论 | 中高级 83% | 时长:01:05 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术3

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-11-23 | 英语 | 17人听写 | 7次评论 | 中高级 82% | 时长:01:02 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克 

[文化] 【华丽巴洛克-动感夸张戏剧化】绘画艺术2

Of all Vermeer's paintings, it was probably this picture that he held in greatest esteem. It was the painting he used to show off his ski...

发布:2013-11-19 | 英语 | 20人听写 | 1次评论 | 中高级 81% | 时长:01:22 | 旷世杰作的秘密 巴洛克