返回 【别对我撒谎】S02E06-part2 调查逐步展开


Lightman不放人,Garrett Denning也没有办法,谁叫Reynolds与Lightman共事呢~~呵呵

-Garrett Denning: Give me Agent Reynolds now or I will 1_____________________________ and 2________________________________.
-Lightman: Oh, well, that's not gonna get him out of there.
-Foster: We are all concerned about Reynolds' safety, so let's just try to 3________________.
-Garrett Denning: Oh, you have a list of demands, do you?
-Lightman: Yeah. Secure our building until we know he's safe.
-Garrett Denning: That's unnecessary. U.S. marshals are fully capable of protecting agent Reynolds.
-Foster: You don't sound too sure about that.
-Garrett Denning: The only ones I don't trust were the 3 guarding Mclaughlin. Only they knew where he was going. My office is 4___________________________ into those marshals.
-Lightman: Yeah. You give them to me, and then I'll let Reynolds go. His life's in danger. You ask him who he trusts to 5_______________________, you or us.
-Foster: You were the only ones who knew the safe house location. One of you 6______________________.
-Marshal C: It's not possible. If there was someone dirty on my team...
-Foster: They all flash fear when they hear Elliot Greene's name.
-Torres: What did this guy do?
-Garrett Denning: He was a Wall Street fixer. If a hedge fund was looking for inside information, Greene's people did whatever it took to get it for them.
-Loker: What did it normally take?
-Garrett Denning: Blackmail, kidnapping, torture, murder.
-Marshal A: Our identities were kept secret, even from each other.
-Foster: Which one of you did Greene get to?
-Marshal B: The U.S. marshals don't hire turncoats.
-Lightman: Uh, just a minute. Can I borrow you? All right, this gentleman here is from the U.S. attorney's office, and it is his job to put whichever one of you 3 killed Mclaughlin in prison. Right, well, you two, ok, go on. Out. Go on. I want to talk to you.
-Marshal A: What did I do?
-Foster: Well, those two were scared they might be working with someone connected to Greene. Only you showed additional fear when you were 7_______________________.
-Lightman: So what did Greene do? Did he pay you off? Did he threaten your family?
-Marshal A: No.
-Lightman: Something else. What did you simply not like Mclaughlin?
-Marshal A: Mark was an obnoxious lowlife and scumbag, but I didn't want him dead.
-Lightman: Hey, keep an eye on him, all right?
-Torres: What does that mean? We question the marshal or wait for Lightman to come back?
-Loker: Hmm. I don't know. But I'm sure it's 8__________________.



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