返回 【别对我撒谎】S02E06-part3 Reynolds为何突然不去作证了?



-Lightman: I just had a very interesting chat with your friend Elliot Greene. He says he has no intention of harming you.
-Reynolds: Yeah, well, forgive me if I don't believe him.
-Lightman: Do you have any idea why he's not the slightest bit worried about you testified here.
-Reynolds: Half of what I know could send him away for life.
-Lightman: Does the name Scotty mean anything to you? There it is. There it is.
-Reynolds: Let me see that case file.
-Lightman: What are you looking for? Ok, there. What is that?
-Garrett Denning: Can we 1______________________? Greene's trial is in 4 days.
-Reynolds: Yeah, well, that's not gonna matter, because you're gonna have to make your case without me.
-Garrett Denning: Without you, I don't have a case.
-Reynolds: Just use the surveillance tapes. That should be enough.
-Garrett Denning: You're my witness who authenticates the tapes and nails the guy. And as a federal agent, you know, you really don't have a choice in the matter.
-Reynolds: I do have a choice.
-Lightman: You sacrificed 2 years of your life to build this case, right?
-Reynolds: And now I'm done sacrificing.
-Garrett Denning: If you don't 2________________, you'll be fired from the FBI. And we will press charges against you.
-Reynolds: I'm not testifying.
-Garrett Denning: You can't do that.
-Reynolds: Watch me.
-Lightman: I've seen that face before.
-Reynolds: You need to call me back as soon as you get this. I've got a big problem here. Call me on my cell phone as soon as you get to the office. Have you lost your mind?
-Lightman: You know, that's funny, 'cause I was about to ask you the same question. Why are you doing this to me?
-Reynolds: Look, Lightman, I get it, ok? You're concerned and I appreciate that. But you really 3_______________________, ok?
-Lightman: I'm the man that's keeping you safe.
-Reynolds: You know what this is? This is just another one of your 4____________. You can't rest until you find out what I've been keeping from you.
-Lightman: No, it's not about me. It's about the pain you're feeling, right now.
-Reynolds: Oh, so you just see it all, huh? But, see, you have no idea. None.
-Lightman: I've had to make a few 5__________________ in the past to arrive at the right outcome.
-Reynolds: Hey, let me tell you something. When I was undercover on the Greene case, my father, he died. I didn't go to the hospital. Or the funeral. So don't talk to me about tough choices.
-Lightman: Well, then testify. Go on, then. 6_______________________________.
-Reynolds: Just--just shut up and give me my phone.
-Lightman: Who were you calling? Sheila Radotti. Who's she?
-Reynolds: She was my 7__________ on the case.
-Lightman: Oh, yeah? Does she know why you won't testify?
-Reynolds: I haven't spoken to her in months. Oh, so, I get it. So you're investigating me for them.
-Lightman: Yep. Yeah. To 8______________________________ out of here.
-Reynolds: Yeah, funny you didn't mention that up front.
-Lightman: Just trying to get to the truth, Ben.
-Reynolds: And I bet you'll 9_________________.



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