
[科学] 【聆听❤声】燃烧仅在地球可行

Hints: 3句话听写 What is fire anyway? Well, fire is rapid oxidization. 1.……………(1个飘号,1个句号) Exactly, so without oxygen in th...

发布:2012-08-30 | 英语 | 5人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 56% | 时长:00:49 | 聆听心声 燃烧 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(9)

Hints: 补全2处 "We are very convinced that at one time it was a 1.…………(此处无标点无大写). And so now we are trying to understand h...

发布:2012-08-30 | 英语 | 4人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 76% | 时长:01:00 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(8)

Hints: 补全1处 vapour In the four decades since our robots first arrived, the once fussy ball at the end of our telescopes has steadily...

发布:2012-08-30 | 英语 | 4人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 87% | 时长:01:19 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(7)

Hints: 听写2句话哦~ 1.(……………Steve Square………) Not in person but via NASA's two off-road robot rovers SPIRIT and OPPORTUNITY. F...

发布:2012-08-29 | 英语 | 5人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 61% | 时长:01:03 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(6)

Hints: 括号内为听写内容,补全2处哦~有小提示 1.(There are…………………… )Most days will be clear and sunny and cold. The average tem...

发布:2012-08-29 | 英语 | 5人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 85% | 时长:01:02 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(5)

Hints: 缺一处哦~大约30个词 And there're still hopes of a welcoming committee. But both Viking spacecrafts send back photos of nothing b...

发布:2012-08-27 | 英语 | 5人听写 | 0次评论 | 初中级 71% | 时长:00:55 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(4)

Hints: 补全2处 1.....................(2句) Originally in the popular imagination we thought that the Mars might be inhabited by whole c...

发布:2012-08-27 | 英语 | 6人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 84% | 时长:01:03 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(3)

Hints: 补全3处 Mars Red Planet 1............... Imagine it's you what do you need to know on might you get there what should you pack? W...

发布:2012-08-26 | 英语 | 12人听写 | 3次评论 | 初中级 87% | 时长:01:15 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(2)

Hints: 补全2处 Martians Universe Solar System Nothing about going to Mars will be easy. 1........................ Mars. Invaded by a rob...

发布:2012-08-26 | 英语 | 8人听写 | 4次评论 | 初中级 88% | 时长:01:04 | 聆听心声 自然百科 

[科学] 【聆听❤声】火星(1)

Hints: 第4个单词使用美式拼写 Red Planet Volcanoes Solar System

发布:2012-08-26 | 英语 | 7人听写 | 5次评论 | 初中级 92% | 时长:01:04 | 聆听心声 自然百科