• 分 类: 实用 / 美国
  • 难 度: 初中级
  • 状 态: 暂停更新
  • 均用时: 11分57秒
  • 均得分: 71.11%


[生活] 【每日口语会话】Battery is dead...

Hint: Storyline: Mary couldn't get her car started because the battery was dead again.

发布:2014-10-28 | 英语 | 96人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 73% | 时长:00:31 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】Break down

Hint: 美元符号"$" Storyline: Kevin didn't show up for class because his car broke down....

发布:2014-10-24 | 英语 | 96人听写 | 2次评论 | 初中级 74% | 时长:00:34 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】Heavy sleeper

Hint: 数字用英文写 Storyline: Roselind is very curious about why Jamie's clocks show different times....

发布:2014-10-20 | 英语 | 132人听写 | 4次评论 | 初中级 71% | 时长:00:36 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】Gain ten minute...

Hint: 数字用英文写 Storyline: Jane's watch gains ten minutes a day, while Mary's watch loses ten minutes a day. Jane can put up with her ...

发布:2014-10-19 | 英语 | 111人听写 | 0次评论 | 初中级 81% | 时长:00:39 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】Creepin Up On Y...

Hint: 今天给大家换换口味,请听一首歌曲,我隐藏了部分歌词,请大家把隐藏的地方听写出来。一共有四句歌词,共奖励40沪元。歌词听写只此一期哦。 ...

发布:2014-10-18 | 英语 | 68人听写 | 2次评论 | 初中级 55% | 时长:00:58 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】Sorry, I oversl...

Hint: Storyline: Rosie overslept because her alarm clock didn't go off this morning...

发布:2014-10-17 | 英语 | 101人听写 | 3次评论 | 初中级 79% | 时长:00:28 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】I'm just lookin...

Hint: Greg Hm Storyline: Karen walks into a furniture store. This time she only wants to browse....

发布:2014-09-22 | 英语 | 317人听写 | 3次评论 | 初中级 53% | 时长:01:01 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】I really get ri...

Hint: Storyline: Dennis bought a used TV for 200 dollars. He didn't realize he had been ripped off....

发布:2014-09-20 | 英语 | 180人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 64% | 时长:00:17 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】I want to buy s...

Hint: Storyline: Karen walks into a shoe store. She wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself....

发布:2014-09-18 | 英语 | 184人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 63% | 时长:00:17 | 对话 口语 

[生活] 【每日口语会话】I'm broke.

Hint: Storyline: Terri asks Fred whether he wants to eat out or not. Fred hesitates a little bit. He tells Terri that he's kind of broke.

发布:2014-09-16 | 英语 | 173人听写 | 1次评论 | 初中级 69% | 时长:00:29 | 对话 口语