• 尼基塔
  • Nikita 剧集梗概:本剧讲述的是由Maggie Q出演的尼基塔从小就深陷麻烦。一次,一名来自名叫"部门"的神秘组织的美国特工救她于水火并给了她一次重新做人的机会,...
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[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E05(02)组织的软手段

Nikita: First step is to make contact. Do you have any open lines of __(1)__ to her? Michael: No, not since the op ended. Nikita: How did...

发布:2013-05-16 | 英语 | 15人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 80% | 时长:01:06 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E05(01)Michael六...

Michael: Yeah, but the first lady of the country gets some leeway, right? Cassandra: Yes, well, my husband is not one to __(1)__ tardines...

发布:2013-05-14 | 英语 | 15人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 65% | 时长:01:07 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E04(03)Nikita帮助...

Nikita: There should be fewer police here than at the Ankara Station. We'll be safe here until we have to __(1)__ the train. Kelly: Good....

发布:2013-05-11 | 英语 | 18人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 66% | 时长:01:04 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E04(02)Amanda探望...

Amanda: Don't start. Alex is in Turkey. That's why I'm here __(1)__. Percy: Oh, right, Kelly. Yeah, I caught her on the news. It's amazin...

发布:2013-05-09 | 英语 | 17人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 80% | 时长:01:08 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E04(01)Alex奉命追击...

Alex: It's very busy out there. Getting ready to __(1)__ some poor, unsuspecting government? Amanda: We'll get to that. First, I'd like t...

发布:2013-05-07 | 英语 | 17人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 57% | 时长:01:16 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E03(03)Sean帮Ale...

Sean: That's your plan? Alex: Excuse me? Sean: Close __(1)__ hit in the basement before he gets onstage? Alex: What's about it? Sean: Sui...

发布:2013-05-04 | 英语 | 16人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 51% | 时长:01:15 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E03(02)三人组执行任务

Birkhoff: Buenos dias, muchachos. Welcome to Colombia. Land of lush forests, spectacular __(1)__, and wily little division assassins. Wis...

发布:2013-05-02 | 英语 | 21人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 56% | 时长:01:13 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E03(01)Alex接受新任...

Alex: Where'd you pick up on Nikita's __(1)__? Amanda: We haven't. I have a division assignment for you. A __(2)__. Alex: I don't work fo...

发布:2013-04-30 | 英语 | 22人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 50% | 时长:01:22 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E02(03)Owen羡慕Mi...

Owen: You get how lucky you are? You got out of Division with the woman you love. That's what I used to __(1)__ for me and Emily. Michael...

发布:2013-04-27 | 英语 | 27人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 63% | 时长:01:07 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E02(02)Nikita没有...

Owen: So where'd you get a black box? Come on, Nikita. I'm not stupid. The things you know about P9 and the op, all those __(1)__. I was ...

发布:2013-04-25 | 英语 | 26人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 63% | 时长:01:09 | 尼基塔 美剧 

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