返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E17(06)Out of the Frying Pan


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D: You know, the only thing worse than the break room coffee are the break room bagels. How's Emily feel about you working here?
P: How should she feel?
D:      1     You know, when I was growing up here, they could have put up a sign: "Welcome to Rosewood, where nothing happens." But in these past few years...
P: Detective Wilden, if you're asking if we're considering moving--
D: I wouldn't blame you. There are days when I wish I could leave too.      2     You know, you may not believe this, but I know exactly what Emily's going through.
P:      3     
D: What happened out at that Lighthouse, it's not really something any young person can process. Even when it's self-defense. But it haunts you. Forever.
P:      4     
D: Well, I didn't either. Talk about it. My second week out of the academy, I had to defend myself. The way they taught me. But that doesn't make watching someone die any easier. I was too ashamed to discuss it.      5      But having to watch someone leave this world, even someone who deserves to be punished...
P: So when did you finally decide to start talking about it?
D: Just now.


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