返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E18(02)Dead to Me


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W: Hi.
A: Hi.
W: I didn't know anyone would be here. Is Ezra back?
A: No, he's not.      1     Oh. Come in.
W: Thanks.      2     
A: You knew that he was gone.
W: He called me on his way to Delaware. He was a little vague about how he found out about Maggie and Malcolm.
A: It wasn't vague, it was messy. But the point is, he found out.
W: I should have taken the hit.
A: No. Look, he knows, he went there, and now he's talking to her.
W: So, do we have a problem, me staying here for a couple of nights?
A: What? No.      3     
W: No.      4     First time since the Clinton administration.
A: Stay. I mean, Ezra invited you. That way I don't have to worry about the plants.
W: Okay. Thanks.
A: Okay. Well, I will get out of your way.
W:      5     I mean, I'm not too good about that. I once killed a cactus. I thought the only way you could do that was with a gun.
A: Okay. Yeah, I'll call before I stop by. Bye.


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