返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E18(03)Dead to Me


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E: It was gone. Wilden read the notebook.      1     What's happened?
S: So what exactly brings you to my office?
E: Look, I know you're in a funk, okay? I was the first one to hear about your break-up. And I didn't tell anyone until I knew you were ready.      2     
S: I know. Is this what you left in Ali's casket?
E: That and twenty-four other postcards. Someone put this in my mom's bag. Aria thought it was bad getting those earrings back one at a time. "A" Has twenty-five opportunities to set me up.
S: Set us up. Just because it's your memento doesn't mean it can't be planted on any of us.
E: "A" is threatening to kill me if I go after Wilden. Does that mean he murdered Ali? Or that he's part of "A's" entourage?
S:      3     
E: "La police" Are "Capable de murder." I took French, Spencer.
S: For a semester. "Arrete de creuser. La police sait deja que c'est toi qui est capable de meurtre." Translation: "Stop digging. The police already know it's you who is capable of murder."
E: Wow.      4     They mean Nate.
S: Look, you didn't do anything wrong. Okay?      5     Emily, that freak was gonna kill you and Paige.
E: Thank you for the French lesson. I have to go to work soon, so....
S: Emily.


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