返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E18(05)Dead to Me


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E: Is this a new couch?
S: It's a rental. Just about everything here is. I wanted to make a fresh start in a new office. I'm here until I find the right one.      1     
E: Well, thanks for letting me come in. Mona's back at school. Like you said, therapy and the right meds and she'd be ready to rejoin society.
S: Did you come here to talk about Mona?
E:      2     You may have heard I killed a guy.
S: I heard that you and a classmate were attacked by someone, the same person who killed Maya. You were defending yourself, Emily. What you did was incredibly--
E: Dr. Sullivan, no. That's not what I said. That's not what I wanna talk about.      3     Everyone tells me I-- I killed someone. Someone had a life, someone was a living, breathing person, and I--
S: You killed someone.
E:    4     In my head, I know. But then I close my eyes and I can see myself holding that knife. It was in my hand and I can still feel what it felt like when it--
S: Emily, have you ever thought about trying hypnotherapy?
E: I remember what happened, Dr. Sullivan. That's the problem-- I remember exactly what happened.
S: Hypnotherapy isn't just about bringing back memories we've repressed.      5     
E: How soon can we start?


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