返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E18(06)Dead to Me


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H: No! Wait.      1     
C: Come on, they're all moldy.
H:      2     I might wanna keep 'em.
J: If you happen to find Mike Mulligan's steam shovel in there, I'll take it.
H: Deal.
J: He turned into a good-looking young man. He treats you right?
H: He does.
J: Good.
H: Do you ever hear from his father?
J: Nobody does. It's no great loss. He's not the sort of man people miss.
H: Caleb's never really talked about family much, and then his mom found him, and it kind of changed things.
J:      3     
H: I've never met her. Did you know her?
J: Yes. She deserved better. Most people deserve better than they get.
H: So you saw them together? Caleb's mom and dad.
J: Yeah.
H:      4     Even for a little while?
J: I think so.
H: Then why would he leave them?
J: Yeah.      5     Figured he'd come back when he could handle being a dad. The thing is, when you walk out, the people you leave... They keep on having a life. They don't wait for you to come back.


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