返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E18(08)Dead to Me


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C: That was a day shot. I don't really know what you were expecting.
H: Just thought that you could have a chance to reconnect.
C: Well, silence your inner Oprah, okay? It's just an old house.
H: Your uncle was nice.
C:      1     
H: You could have asked him why they did that.
C:      2     
H: I suppose.
C: Besides, it wasn't his call, okay?
H: Caleb.      3     That's you when you were a baby.
C: Where did you get this?
H: Your uncle Jamie gave it to me when we were leaving.      4     
C: W-where was it? In the shed someplace?
H: I don't think so. You see how the edges are kind of bent? I think he took it from his wallet.
C: Why would have a picture of me in his wallet?
H: I can think of a reason. The man holding you... That ring... Jamie had the same ring on today.      5     
C: Not a chance.


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