返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E18(10)Dead to Me


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H: So shall we just wait, or...?
J: I'm pretty sure she's not coming.
A: "Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality."
H: That's creepy.
A: It's Emily Dickinson.
H: I don't care if it's Santa Claus, consider me creeped.
J: It's okay. It is a touch creepy in here.      1     
A: Hey, you okay?
J: Spencer. You changed your mind.
S: No.      2     I do have something to say to you.
A&H&E: Spencer.
S: Ali was pregnant when she died.
J: What? What is she talking about? Is this true?
S: We can't know for sure. Emily looked it up, and her early pregnancy wouldn't have shown up in an autopsy. Isn't that right, Em?
H:      3     
A: What the hell is wrong with you?
J: How do you know about this? I mean, who would she have--
S: who's the father? Oh, that's the best part.
S: Who, Spencer?
H: Spencer, don't.
S: I don't care!
A: Don't do this. Not here, Spencer.
S: Detective Wilden. One of Rosewood's finest.
H: Please tell me this is part of some brilliant Spencer plan.
E: It's not.      4     
A: We're your friends.      5     


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