返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(01)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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A: Hannah? Hannah? Why are you map-questing Amish country?
H:      1     
A: Our best friend is at home chewing her elbows and you're horse shopping?
H: No, I'm trying to find out where Caleb's uncle Jamie works.
A: Hannah, please let that go. Hey.      2      It doesn't mean it's his dad.
H: Look, there were other things, okay?
A: So? Look, even if it is the truth, why would you want to know before Caleb? Hello, learn from my mistakes.
H:      3     Maggie didn't want Ezra to meet his kid. Jamie wants to tell him. He just doesn't know how.
A: And you know this because...?
H: I saw it in his eyes when he handed me that baby picture. Are you gonna come with me?
A: No.      4      Horowitz!
H: What?
A: The coach.      5      I'll just have my mom talk to her.
H: Is that your mom?
A: No, it's Ezra's. Oh, my god, why is she calling me? We're not friends. Hello? Oh, hi. No, I don't know. I haven't been in Ezra's apartment. Yeah, well, I doubt that Wes has been hiding out there. If I see him, I'll let--
H: Why does she think little Fitz is hiding out at big Fitz's?
A: 'cause he is.


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