返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(04)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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A: Hi, Emily.
S: What? Just trying to get my spot on the team back.
E: By doing what?
S: Well, I was about to show Andrew my cupcakes.
E: Since when do you have to get naked to get what you want?
S:      1     
E: Okay, Spencer, you're way too smart to play dumb. First you drop that bomb on Jason, which, by the way, now I'm gonna have to un-drop. And then you jump on the first guy that walks in here just to get back at Toby--
S: This has nothing to do with Toby. Mona's the enemy, remember?
E: That hasn't changed. But you have. And if you or Toby don't tell me what is going--
S: You spoke with him?
E: No!
S: Don't!
E: Why not? He's my friend, too.
S:      2     
E: Why?      3     
S: You can't understand.
E: Really? Because I haven't lost someone who I deeply love? You don't have a monopoly on pain, Spencer.      4     Okay, but we get through it because we have each other! And your friends are not gonna stand here and watch--
S: Watch me what? Not be Spencer Hastings anymore?      5     So please just get good with this, Emily. This is the new me!


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