返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(08)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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S: Really, what are you doing here?
W:      1     
S: So you're making house calls now?
W:      2     
S: Damn it. I was really hoping for some shock therapy, but maybe you could just wire me to a toaster and press "top brown only."
W: Spencer, save it. I've seen this sort of unraveling before and--
S: And I'm what? What is the crisis, really? That I took my bra off at four in the afternoon? Please tell Emily that I don't need supervision.
W: I never spoke to Emily, and I didn't hear anything about a bra.
S: So what, she told Hannah? Aria?
W:     3     
S: Who did you speak with? Mona? Mona sent you here, didn't she?
W: Spencer, she recognizes self-destructive, aggressive behavior. If someone had intervened on her behalf, she might not have ended up in Radley.
S: Yeah. Yeah, you're right.      4     
W: Yeah. It was indeed. And if want, I can refer you to someone--
S: What I really want is just to get out of the house. Do you think that maybe we could just go to, like, dinner and a movie?
W: A date wasn't exactly--
S: No, it's not a date!      5      But I am not going to go with my doctor. Oh, let's go to that film festival up in Bucknell.
W: Where is that?
S: It's up near Lewisburg. It's really not that far. Just give me a second to change.


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