返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(10)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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A: Hello.
S: Hi!
A: What are you doing here?
S: Oh, Andrew, I didn't recognize you in clothes.
A: You know you can't be here.
S: Relax, moose. I'm not here to see you.
T: Spencer, what a surprise! You know, the match isn't until tomorrow.
S: I know, I just wanted to get up here super early, so I could get a V.I.P. seat. I promise I will not eat into your practice. I just wanted to wish the team captain good luck.
M: Hello, Spencer. Did I hear you came all this way just to get a good seat?
S: Two seats, actually. I'm here with Wren. We booked a room.      1     
M: I only called him because you--
S: Oh, no, Mona, we know why you called him.      2     Actually part of my treatment plan requires me to read a case study all about a deeply disturbed teenager. Wren seems to refer to her as "M", but we both know that this sociopath goes by other initials as well.
M: Sounds riveting. But if you'll excuse me--
S: I do wonder, though, how anonymous this patient can stay once I upload the entire case study on the internet with your photo attached.
M: And whose looking cray-cray now, Spencer?      3     Is that why Toby left you?
S:      4     But my friends still are, Mona, and you're not taking away any more of them.
M:      5     Do you still have any friends, Spencer?


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