返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E20(2)Hot Water


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A: Hanna, what's going on?
H: Nothing.
A: That wasn't nothing.
H: I-I just know the girl who got in his car.
A:      1     
H: I-I don't know, mom, all right? Wilden's a freak. He hates us.
A: Hanna, did he talk to you again without me being there? Because Veronica Hasting said he wasn't allowed--
H: No, it's fine.
A: Okay.      2     
H: No!
A: You're not giving me a choice.
H: Well, you can't. Okay. We're just trying to figure out why he's always after us.
A: Okay.
H: So we were thinking that maybe Wilden and Ali had a relationship.
A: What kind of relationship? Oh, my God, Hanna.      3     
H: Mom, I told you it was a dumb theory.
A: No wonder he's upset.      4     
H: Well, don't worry about it. It all started when that girl got in his car, and I already told Wilden. So it's over.
A:      3     
H: She was friends with Ali. She's a one-woman rumor factory.
A: All right, well, I don't want you associating with her anymore, okay?
H: Okay. Never again. Gladly. I have to go meet Emily.


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