返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E21(4)Out of Sight, Out of Mind


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S: I told you I was warned, if I ratted out "T," "A" was gonna take one of my three.
A:      1     
H: Well, it's working. You need to stop looking for Toby. Just let it go.
S: You're looking for Toby? Why?
E: It's not that I don't believe what you saw, okay?      2     
S: Okay, I understand that, but I looked for him for weeks.      3     
M: Thank you.
A: How long has she been standing there?
E: Spencer, wait. What are you doing?
M: Hello.     4     
S: No. I just wanted to say thank you for the flowers. The orchids are especially beautiful.
M: I have no idea what you're talking about. Might be time to visit your doctor friend again.
S: Listen to me, Mona. I'm not playing around. Do not hurt my friends. Okay? If you so much as touch one hair on their heads, I will make you very sorry. Am I clear?
M:      5      I think I'll take my pumpkin latte to go. Oh. But a little tip on the orchids. Make sure not to leave them in direct sunlight. I did once. They didn't make it through the night.


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