返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E21(6)Out of Sight, Out of Mind


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A: I should be banned from ever being around kids.
E: No, Aria, it's-- it's okay.
A: No, it's not! Okay.      1     
E: I-I'm not angry. These things happen. He cut his chin.     2      So you were talking with Spencer when he fell?
A: No.      3     
E: You didn't see him jumping on the bed?
A: Ezra, by the time I turned around, it was too late.
E: So you weren't watching him in the whole time.
A:      4     
E: I just wanna be clear on what happened so I know what to tell Maggie.
A: Tell her that I feel like crap, that he son got hurt while I was watching him. Tell her that it was my fault, I should have been paying closer attention, and tell her that I am so sorry.      5     
E: Neither do I.


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